Free feasibility by registered planner!Dual Occupancy,Townhouses,Property Subdivisions Medical centre,Childcare,Commercial.
Our architecture is designing wellness into wonderful spatial experiences for the occupants. We deliver returns for the developer.
"We design the layout & stretch your canvas.
You design your life of wellness, prosperity and spatial experiences in the built forms we will both love." - Swarup
Design Objectives Of Whole Building Design
We believe in the Whole Building Design model.
To achieve a truly successful holistic project, the following design objectives are considered in concert and in balance with each other:
Accessible: Pertains to building elements, heights and clearances implemented to address the specific needs of disabled people.
Aesthetics: Pertains to the physical appearance and image of building elements and spaces as well as the integrated design process.
Cost-Effective: Pertains to selecting building elements on the basis of life-cycle costs (weighing options during concepts, design development, and value engineering) as well as basic cost estimating and budget control.
Functional/Operational: Pertains to functional programming—spatial needs and requirements, system performance as well as durability and efficient maintenance of building elements.
Historic Preservation: Pertains to specific actions within a historic district or affecting a historic building whereby building elements and strategies are classifiable into one of the four approaches: preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, or reconstruction.
Productive: Pertains to occupants' well-being—physical and psychological comfort—including building elements such as air distribution, lighting, workspaces, systems, and technology.
Secure/Safe: Pertains to the physical protection of occupants and assets from man-made and natural hazards.
Sustainable: Pertains to environmental performance of building elements and strategies.
"architecture is primarily the art of extraordinary decisions"
Your property is an amazing space.
We turned an old cottage into a luxurious home for great clients turned dear friends.The new home is standing proud and worth a few million.
This is what Jim said:
They are really good. Very professional.....

Adaptive ReUse

Swarup, AuArchitecture's Founder managed the whole industrial project from planning approvals to demolition of the 6000sqm site and then handing over the completed Business Park to its new owners- the likes of Australian Customs, Bendon and others.
Nicole Kidman- then lesser known- used the partly demolished building as a backdrop to one of her earlier movies!