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Free Site Assessment! Melbourne Planner.250 Permits managed.Subdivision specialist, land developer. Design Town Planning Build

Free! Property Development analysis.
A Dual Occupancy, Duplex  or multi-unit property subdivision adds value to your land.
You build equity, earn more rental income or you may think of moving into the new home in your backyard. Before we go that far, lets answer two questions.
Firstly, will your local Victorian Council allow you to subdivide?
Secondly, how many units can you build is the question on property developers mind. 
We answer your first all important property subdivision query Free!
Complete the form below and we will respond with an high level opinion within 48 hours at no cost to you.
Feel free to call our Founder on 0448170132. ( 7 days- 9am to 6pm)

Can I subdivide my property?
Get your Free Development Analysis!​

Save $550.00

Our Founder managed hundreds of successful planning permits.
He walks  the talk as he also  developed his own properties. He designed and  owner built a complex engineered development.
He will share his experience with you; whether you are a first time developer or have developed before.
Can you subdivide your block? 
Request your obligation Free Development Analysis at no cost to you! Swarup will be directly involved with your project.
Property subdivision advice by expert

Registered Planner. Founder 

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3 lot property subdivision example our Founder successfully managed

Example of a corner style three lot property subdivision and  dual occupancy  in a Melbourne suburb  taken from a public domain

31 councils.JPG

We work across all Councils in Melbourne and Regional Victoria,

PIA-Registered Planner
Duplex  style dual occupancy design

Dual Occupancy -Contemporary Duplex style

Can I subdivide my home?

Dual Occupancy site criteria

Property Development workflow

Development workflow

Victorian Planning permits

Case studies

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1. Is  a subdivision possible?


The First all important Question-


Can your Melbourne (or regional Victorian) property be subdivided under the local Council's Planning Scheme?


This is a high level Development Analysis from an expert who managed hundreds of planning approvals for architects, developers and others.


Please Complete the Form and Get yours Free Response !


  • We check your property against current zoning, planning schemes, schedules and  overlays which underpins what you can build.

  • We check your title, if you provide us the Section 32/Contract of Sale , for restrictions like covenants. This is important to undertake at the beginning. You can upload the Section 32 in the Red Start your Project  Tab below. 

  • We ascertain location of any easements and services.

  • We do a desktop visit of the neighbourhood and the amenities it offers.

  • We examine what impact a development may have on  your neighbouring properties which Council's planning officers will also consider. 

  • Then we tell you if your property can be subdivided and give a high level opinion of what you can develop on the land.

  • For example, can you keep the existing house and build a dual occupancy home in the backyard or demolish the house and build a duplex or approximately how many  units can you build on vacant land  or how many lots can you get on the vacant land.


All this critical and vital information is yours to keep for Free! 


Free! High Level Development analysis. Save $550 on that valuable advice  on a NO  obligation basis.


No catches. No payments required. 100% Free.


No sales people to deal with.


Deal with a Registered Planner only.


2. Size and Built form.


If you are satisfied with the High Level opinion,  you may want to go to the next stage to get your project started.

  • Exactly  many units can you build on your property, subject to final land survey,

  • How big will the homes be?

  • How many bedrooms will it contain and

  • Will they be a double or single storey?


These answers takes time, innovative design solutions to maximise potential of the land. We undertake serious research time while  tapping into our vast knowledge library.


You will now be in a position to decide whether the development is worth doing at this early stage.


These are common questions we answer all the time- so you are not alone. 


Get your answers today for a small token fee which is fully refundable when you go to Step 3, the all important actual design and town planning application stage.


At this stage 2  we provide  you with the blueprint of the building footprint and build size.


3. Design and Town Planning


Now that you understand what you will be allowed to build, lets start with the design brief to action the  Town Planning Application to Council.


We always custom design for each site to maximise yield. We document , submit and manage the Town Planning Application to your local Victorian Council planning regulations.

Learn about the Development workflow

See the drawings and planning report your Council will expect from experienced planners.

Learn the critical steps in the Design and Planning stages.


4. Subdivide and Build


Once your planning approval is granted we can prepare the Building Permit documents documented by a Registered Professional. We co ordinate the subdivision with your land surveyor.


5. Build equity through a property subdivision or dual occupancy!


It's your choice now  to build the new dual occ home and either hold or sell or just subdivide the property, register the titles and sell the new property subdivisions we both created!


Learn the steps in the Building process.


Learn our dual occupancy workflow for two or more units on your property





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