So you have land near the river or creek or another water body.
Great. You will have a lovely outlook- Water is so calming.
But water can have flooding implications and possibly have heritage value.
If developing the land with a "high impact" development the Council will require a CHMP report.
Normally a 2 dwelling project like a dual occupancy is exempt.
But three or more dwellings or a commercial or industrial project will require a CHMP report if the land is burdened by a CHMP overlay.
Extract from:
"What is a Cultural Heritage Management Plan?
A Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) is a written report prepared by a Heritage Advisor. It includes results of an assessment of the potential impact of a proposed activity on Aboriginal cultural heritage. It outlines measures to be taken before, during and after an activity in order to manage and protect Aboriginal cultural heritage in the activity area.
When is a CHMP required?
A CHMP is required when a 'high impact activity' is planned in an area of 'cultural heritage sensitivity'. These terms are defined in the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018.
In these circumstances, planning permits, licences and work authorities can't be issued unless a CHMP has been approved for the activity.
Areas of cultural heritage sensitivity include registered Aboriginal cultural heritage places, as well as landforms and land categories that are generally regarded as more likely to contain Aboriginal cultural heritage.
Areas of cultural heritage sensitivity are shown on the online map.
If a proposed development is within an area of cultural heritage sensitivity, the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations Planning Tool can help determine if it falls under the definition of 'high impact activity' and will need a CHMP."