Your dual occupancy has finally been approved by your Local Council. Great news!
Now you're wondering if you should build both the dual occ homes or could you just build one and sell the other vacant lot- maybe the backyard.
You could do so, if you follow the following steps:
Apply to Council for a subdivision permit
Council issues you a Subdivision Permit which has specific conditions to satisfy (the Works)
Satisfy those Works, which are normally connecting all essential services to the vacant lot ( eg connect sewer, water power, NBN, drainage and as specified in the Permit Conditions)
On completion of the Works, Council issues a Certificate of Compliance
To Register the lots, Lodge the Certificate with the Plan of Subdivision (drawn by a Registered Surveyor) to the Land Titles Office.
Pay all statutory fees to Council and Titles Office
Pay all professional fees to the consultants.
Titles Office issues the Registered lots.
You can now legally exchange/complete a sale of the backyard.
The Works noted above are usually done first by your builder if you decide to build. So run the Subdivision in parallel to he build.
The whole subdivision process could take 15+ months before the Registered Lots are issued.
Need Help with the Subdivision?